Genre : Puja/Bondhu (Worship/Friend)powered by ODEOComposed by Rabindranath Tagore when he was fifty-sixPoush 20, 1324/ 4th January 1918Probahini 67.Swarabitan#16Geetapanchashikaataken from the play Daakghar originally inspired from Baul song 'Dekhechhi Roopshagorey moner manush..'Arrangement : Bodhi-BappaWho will break my lock?Who will take me out of my room, o friend?No longer can I bear this lonely day without u! The day may have dawnedThe sun may be peeping from the horizon.I see a road before meWon't your chariot arrive at my doorstep?All the stars in the sky stare.Unblinking.Waiting by the road of night-and-dawn...Early morning the merry pedestrians may come and go,singing in groups.The flowers may be blooming,The strings of 'Arunveena' may be creating some more wondrous music...
(Another approximate translation of Tagore. )Download this Song
Labels: Rabindrasangeet
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