my favourite quotes

da labour of women in da house, certainly enables men 2produce more wealth than they oterwise could. in this way {they} are economic factors in da society. but so are da horses.
charlotte gilman
there are some men who hav their heads fill up with da things they know
wise men come in all sizes
but i don"t need so much sense 2 say
that better than learning a lot of things
s learning things that are good.
all i can do s tell da truth. no, that s not so- i hav missed it. there is no truth tht, in da passing through awareness, does not lie. but one runs after it all da same
jacques lacon
it makes your enemy &your friend, working together, to hurt u 2 da heart, da one 2 slander in &da other 2get da news 2 u.
mark twain
detach da writer from da milieu where he has experienced his greatest sense of belonging, &u
hav created a discontinuity wthin his personality, a short circuit in his identity. da result s his originality, his creativity comes 2 an end. he becomes da one-book novelist or da one-trilogy writer

da real price of everything is da toil& trouble of acquiring t. labour was da first price, da original purchase money tht was paid for all things
adam smith
memory s not what we remember,but that which remembers us. memory s a present that never stops passing.
octavio paz
no one can read a poem unless he realies tht it s a physical object as well as an abstract vehicle for conveying ideas. a poem has a material existance like a piece f music or sculpture are a plate of meat.
george macbeth
poetry s not an expression of partyline. it s that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what u really think, making da private world public, that s what da poet does.
allen ginsberg

Its Octavio Paz. Not Puz. Looks too much like pus.
thanks anonymous, I've corrected that mistake!
i m new to this my mother tounge is kannada but i like everything about u..I feel music soothes u the way nothing else can My girl friend left me long back And I have submerged myself in songs n music..karthik
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